Friday, September 14, 2007

Karl And The City

My celebratory dinner at Prune the other night was amazing! It is now the home of my new favorite dessert, a flourless chocolate cake with whipped cream and caramel that is the true meaning of decadence. That dessert made my night, the girls on the other hand were more interested in the cast of Sex And The City that also happened to be dining at the restaurant. Now being a guy, they don't really do much for me. In fact celebrities in general I could care less about. But it got me thinking, what scenario would cause me to get that excited? Sadly it turns out, if Mike and Mike stumbled into a sports bar where I was watching the Bears game, that would probably be the equivalent. Now I must hit the gym, I went down a whole belt loop this past week, as my old friend Jay from AZ would say, "I'm ripped like Jesus!"

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