Sunday, December 23, 2007

Baby It's Cold Outside!!!

Yesterday was a great day for shopping. I drove downtown and parked at a meter that was broken, that's right! Free parking all day! A little gift from the City of Chicago to me. The weather was actually warm for December, 50 degrees, and when I wasn't noticing Mikel on everyones Abercrombie shopping bags, I really accomplished alot! That girl is everywhere! Today on the other hand it's cold, and windy! Like 60 mph windy! So I'm going to stay indoors and watch the football game and wait till my brother comes with the kids about 4. Above is a photo of Holly and Matt from the the other night. Matt is on his way to India then Africa documenting his friend Scott's charity which brings clean water to towns that are lacking that resource. He will be gone for a month. I'm pretty sure it's just going to be him, Scott, and Chan of Cat Power. I will post updates on their success as it comes my way.

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